Blender catering = food that is full of energy and vitamins
The food full of health is for sharing with your friends, colleques, cooperators and clients!
Blender Catering could help you when you look for a refreshing and healthy food made of fresh goods to your event.
Ask for an offer

Together Blender Catering
we are suitable partner
for your conference
or lunch-break:
- Birthdays
- Kids Birthdays
- Company`s smoothie morning or healthy morning
- Hawaii style beach party
- Morning meetings
- New products launching
- Conference

Happy people = succesful event.
Blender’s tastes and product selection is suitable for people with healthy lifestyle, spor people who calculate their calories and also for vegans. Our food don`t include additives, food is 100% honest and #freeofcrap
New and trendy Blender catering follows new interesting tastes, offers trendy and healthy bites and drinks and brings the positive loading and energy.

Our contacts:
Let ust o offer tasty food for you both in Tallinn and Tartu.
Follow us also in Instagram: #blenderjuice